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Free QR Code Generator [2024]

Starten Sie Shopify-Dropshipping mit der Shopify-Dropshipping-Lieferanten-App von Spocket. Beziehen Sie ganz einfach die meistverkauften Produkte von den besten Dropshipping-Lieferanten und beginnen Sie in wenigen Minuten mit dem Verkauf.

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Free QR Code Maker Online

Promote your brand or business with free scannable QR codes. Use Spocket’s quick and easy QR code generator now.

Create FREE QR codes

No signup required

Generate unlimited QR codes

QR codes don’t expire

No hidden costs or limits

100% ad-free QR codes

100% ad-free QR codes

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How to Generate a QR code for Free?

Create your own free QR code in seconds in just five easy steps:

Select the type of QR code
Enter the website URL, phone number, SMS message, or text.
Type in your email address.
Click “Generate QR Code.”
Check your email to download your free QR code image.
Start using your free QR code instantly!
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What is a QR Code?

A QR code — or Quick Response code — is a type of barcode that stores information. When you scan a QR code using your smartphone camera, the QR code quickly directs you to digital content like websites, contact information, or even media. QR codes make it easy to share information with others.

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Uses for QR Codes

QR codes can be used for many purposes such as


Use QR Codes to engage customers and drive conversions. Promote your website, social media pages, online forms, products, or services.

Product Packaging

Use your packaging to engage with your customers by adding QR codes. Provide more information about your products or increase repeat purchases by linking to promotional offers and discount codes.

Print Media

Simplify in-person networking and promotion by using QR codes on your business cards, flyers, and posters. Recipients can easily save your contact information directly to their phones, or access more information online.

Event Management

Simplify event management with QR codes for ticketing, invitations, or registration.

Restaurant Menus

Upgrade your restaurant experience with digital menus accessible via QR codes. Customers can scan to view menus on their phones, discover specials, and participate in loyalty programs.

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Key Info To Keep in Mind When Generating QR Codes

Here are some important things to consider when generating a QR code for your business:


Your business goals

First, it’s important to decide what you want to achieve with your QR code. Do you want it to direct customers to your website, pr... Read more


QR code usability

A larger QR code can be scanned from further away, but it must also be printed clearly and in a place that is easy for the custome... Read more


eBay Premium Service Listing

If eBay deems you one of its top sellers, you'll benefit from 10% on final value fees for Premium Service listings. This discount ... Read more


Fees for promoting your listings

For more product visibility, eBay allows you to create a promoted ad listing campaign. These fees depend on the type of campaign y... Read more


Such products are available via Spocket’s integration with AliExpress using its AliScraper tool Where selling scenarios are concerned, although you've read about listing at a set price and selling at auction, here are a few other ways you can sell on eBay and the associated fees you'll incu

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Are Spocket’s QR Codes Free?

Yes, Spocket’s QR codes are 100% free.

How Many QR Codes Can I Generate with Spocket’s QR Code Generator?

There is no limit on the number of QR codes you can create. You can make as many free QR codes as you like!

Are Spocket’s QR Codes Ad Free?

Spocket bietet einen kostenlosen Tarif mit Zugriff auf eine begrenzte Anzahl von Produkten sowie Premium-Tarife für erweiterte Funktionen und Produktzugriff.

Are Free Online QR Code Generators Safe?

Ja, da die meisten Lieferanten in den USA und der EU ansässig sind, gewährleistet Spocket einen schnellen Versand, in der Regel innerhalb von 2-5 Tagen, für Shopify-Shops.

What Types of Free QR Codes Can I Create?

Unbedingt! Du kannst Produkttitel, Beschreibungen, Bilder und Preise an deine Marke anpassen, bevor du sie zu deinem Shopify-Shop hinzufügst.

What Does ‘QR Code’ Stand For?

Ja, Spocket ist in die Versandeinstellungen von Shopify integriert, sodass Sie weltweiten Versand über zuverlässige Lieferanten anbieten können.

Can I Use Spocket’s Free QR Code Generator for Commercial Purposes?

Rücksendungen werden gemäß den Richtlinien der einzelnen auf Spocket aufgeführten Lieferanten verwaltet. Sie können Rücksendungen direkt über das Spocket-Dashboard bearbeiten.

How Do QR Codes Work?

QR codes work by encoding information into a pattern of black squares. A QR code Reader or scanners scan and decode the pattern.

Can I Edit My QR Codes?

You can’t edit Spocket’s free QR codes — so make sure to test your QR code before printing it. Remember, Spocket’s free QR codes are limitless. So, if you find that you’ve made a mistake after generating your QR code, you can generate more QR codes whenever you need to.

How Do I Scan QR Codes?

Most smartphones and tablets already have a built-in QR Code reader or scanner. Simply open the camera app on your mobile phone and hold it over a QR Code for a few seconds until a notification pops up, then tap the notification to read the QR code.

Do QR Codes Expire?

Our QR codes don’t expire. Once generated, a QR code has a ‘Quick Link’ behind it. We keep these Quick Links active, so the QR code will remain active, too.

What Are the Three Squares in the Corners of QR Codes?

These are called ‘position markers.’ They ensure that the QR code is oriented correctly for accurate scanning.

Is There a Scan Limit for Spocket’s Free QR Codes?

Your free QR code can be scanned an unlimited number of times.

When Did QR Codes Become Popular?

QR codes were first invented in Japan in the 1990s and have since become increasingly popular around the world. QR codes can store up to 4,296 characters and are a universally recognized tool for mobile marketing and logistics.

What is the Best Free QR Code Generator Online in 2024?

Spocket’s free online QR Code Generator is hands-down the best free QR code generator online in 2024. But don’t take our word for it, go ahead and try it for yourself!