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Nexo entre impuestos sobre las ventas

Nexo entre impuestos sobre las ventas

¿Qué es el nexo del impuesto sobre las ventas?

Sales tax nexus refers to the connection between a business and a state or jurisdiction that requires the business to collect and remit sales tax on transactions within that jurisdiction. Establishing sales tax nexus is influenced by factors like physical presence or sales volume.

Sales tax nexus refers to the sufficient physical or economic presence that a business must have in a state to be subject to the state's sales tax laws. Establishing nexus triggers the obligation for a business to collect and remit sales tax on taxable transactions conducted within that jurisdiction. Nexus can be established through various activities or connections with a state, including:

1. Physical Presence: Traditional forms of physical presence that can create nexus include having a brick-and-mortar store, office, warehouse, or other facilities in a state.

2. Employee Presence: Employing workers, sales representatives, or independent contractors who perform services within a state may also create nexus, depending on the nature and extent of their activities.

3. Inventory Storage: Storing inventory or goods for sale in a state's warehouse or fulfillment center may create nexus, even if the business doesn't have a physical presence otherwise.

4. Economic Activity: Some states have enacted economic nexus laws that establish nexus based on the volume or value of sales, transactions, or economic activity conducted within the state, regardless of physical presence. This means that businesses exceeding certain thresholds of sales or transactions in a state may be required to collect and remit sales tax, even if they lack a physical presence.

5. Affiliate or Click-Through Nexus: Certain states have affiliate or click-through nexus laws that attribute nexus to out-of-state sellers based on relationships with in-state affiliates or referrals from in-state websites.

Navigating Sales Tax Nexus Issues:

1. Nexus Determination: Businesses should carefully evaluate their activities and connections with each state to determine whether they have established nexus and are therefore obligated to collect and remit sales tax.

2. Compliance Requirements: Once nexus is established, businesses must comply with the sales tax laws of the respective states, including registering for sales tax permits, collecting taxes from customers, filing sales tax returns, and remitting tax payments on time.

3. Technology Solutions: With the complexity of sales tax compliance, businesses can leverage sales tax automation software and services to streamline tax calculations, manage nexus determinations, and ensure compliance with changing regulations across multiple jurisdictions.

4. Consultation with Tax Professionals: Given the nuances and evolving nature of sales tax nexus laws, businesses may benefit from consulting with tax professionals or legal advisors who can provide guidance on compliance strategies and risk mitigation.


Understanding sales tax nexus is essential for businesses engaged in interstate commerce to navigate the complex landscape of state sales tax laws and compliance requirements. By proactively addressing nexus issues and implementing effective compliance measures, businesses can minimize their exposure to potential liabilities and ensure compliance with applicable sales tax regulations.

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