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How to use Amazon to Discover the Perfect Product

How to use Amazon to Discover the Perfect Product

Amazon can offer you your next big product.

No, really.

Amazon might be THE marketplace. But your store can still sell a product better than Amazon can. Your store has personality. You have a brand. With the right product, anything is possible.


Here's how!

You need to open Amazon and scroll in your niche till you find a product that is unordinary. For example, we will search the 'dog' niche!

How to use Amazon to Discover the Perfect Product

Eventually, you will find something new. Something people may not have seen before. Incredibly simple, but different. Like a Dog Feeding Reminder.

A small, easy-to-use product that you haven't seen before, but really solves the problem. We've all looked at those puppy dog eyes and doubted if we fed the dog today. This product is the reminder.

You need to check AliExpress to see if the product is sold on it—because if it is, it is probably much too saturated for you to try selling it. Loads of dropshippers are trying to get successful by selling the same AliExpress products--to be different (and provide better products to your customer), you need to ensure all your products cannot be sourced through AliExpress.

Luckily, this dog feeder is ultra-unique!

dog feeder

They might reject you—but good products are found only when you take the risk.

Check out BigSpy, find out if others are selling the product, and how your competitors are faring with it.

Keep in mind: Sometimes your competitors might fail because they did not advertise the product properly. Does not mean you will fail too!

When you have built a relationship with the supplier, you will be able to offer the product at lower rates! Plus when it is such a novel product, people will see you as an innovator, and choose you instantly.

This is the kind of product people buy directly from Facebook ads, and this is the kind of product you need to be going for.

A product that amazes you, that has a wow factor.

Remember: your marketing cannot save you from a terrible product but an amazing product with mediocre marketing can still bring you amazing results!

Choose wisely!


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